Thursday, September 14, 2017

Clearing Up Some Stigmas

So now that you know what OCD is we can move forward with some other truth's about mental illness. Perhaps you were surprised by what you read because you always thought OCD was a term used to describe organised or fussy people. Maybe now it wouldn't shock you to know that the World Health Organisation ranked OCD as one of the top ten most debilitating illnesses of any kind in the world.
OCD and it's effects are truly devastating. I know that first hand. It is confusing and terrifying when you don't understand your own mind. It doesn't help when the media portrays mental illness as something to be ashamed of and feared. This leaves many people with OCD lost and terrified to admit to having these horrible thoughts and fears. Terrified that they will be ostracised or told by doctors that they are "crazy."
One thing I would like to address is, the word "crazy" isn't a medical term, it means nothing, perhaps you mean insane? People with OCD are NOT insane. However, most people with OCD are afraid that they are. One thing you should know is that, if you or someone else thinks they are insane or is able to ask if they are, they are not. Someone who is insane has no idea that they have lost their sanity or their mind.
The guilt that many OCD thoughts or obsessions bring causes a huge amount of self hate. They are sometimes too ashamed to tell someone the horrific things their mind thinks in fear of judgement or the idea that having these thoughts must mean they are a bad person. I tell them this, OCD creates the thoughts that you find most repugnant and worry inducing. If they were someone who actually wanted these bad things to happen or to carry out these horrific thoughts then they wouldn't be so distressed upon having them.
NEVER has ANYONE with OCD carried out a harmful act upon having harmful thoughts. In fact they are the least likely people to harm anyone seeing as they fear it so much, they will go to great lengths to see that the thoughts never come true. Even without those lengths, OCD wouldn't cause them to harm anyone or be more likely to. It is important to understand that the thoughts and fears of someone with OCD do not reflect who they are. The illness is creating these thoughts and images and impulses in their mind and NOT them. It's also important to understand that OCD and individuals with it are NOT dangerous. It is horrible and debilitating and can ruin the lives of individuals who have it, but THEY are NOT THEIR OCD and neither OCD or people who live with it are dangerous.


  1. This is very interesting and informative, I'm glad to know these things that I did not know before!

  2. Enjoyed reading your post. Getting to know that someone with OCD, is just as normal as the next person. Explaining the word "crazy" was a huge hit for me. It just shows that its not what people think of you but what you think of yourself. Acknowledging that one with this mental illness is not dangerous is a good point to let them know that they are just fine.
